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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Leadership: We Get Exactly What We Deserve

President Bush is the worst President in modern History. I don't know enough about American History, like the "Teapot Dome Scandal," to compare Bush to earlier Presidents. Certainly the massive ethnic cleansing that was done against Native Americans ought to go down as a black mark on SOME President's record and put them in the running for "Worst," maybe Andrew Jackson.

But there is no question that this President has been on vacation more than any other. He made little effort to actually guide the country through difficult times. I lay the current financial crisis squarely at the feet of Bush and the Republican Congress. For six years they gave a mutual rubber stamp to any and all excesses in spending, war profiteering, lax regulation, thoughtless deregulation, TORTURE, attacks on civil liberties and insane budget deficits and record National Debt.

It's takes hard work for a President to seem MORE criminal than Nixon. More Tricky than Dick. An even bigger Dick! President Bush is the perfect storm of criminal negligence, arrogance, stupidity, criminal culpability and incompetence. I think this administration would have screwed Our Nation less IF they had TRIED, that is how incompetent they are in my eyes.

It's telling that the Republican President, the Republican Presidential Nominee and the Republican House Minority leader couldn't lead more than 33% or their own party to vote for a bipartisan bill that all of them claimed was essential to the vitality of the World Economy. Where is the LEADERSHIP from the Republicans? Where is the Republican Leadership on a day when the Dow loses the most points in HISTORY?

OK. Bush is a dip-shit. A Grade-A dithering nimrod. At this point Bush and McCain are not even capable of leading paid members of their own party. Not ONE Arizona Congressman (McCain's home state) was willing to follow McCain's leadership on the Economic Rescue Bill. The Republicans looked for an excuse to SHUT DOWN their National Convention, rather than be photographed standing next to Bush. Bush stinks, and obviously the Republicans think the stink is contagious. That said, Bush still occupies the Office of the President. He is still the Figurehead of the United States. For Better or Worse, for Richer or for Poorer, we as a Nation said "I Do," TWICE! We have nobody to blame for Bush but ourselves (especially for re-electing the boob).

But We need to respect the Office of the President. We need to respect the Democracy that put him in power. In that regard, I think it would be not only rude, but unpatriotic to ignore a phone call or invitation from the President. IF the President called me on the phone, I would answer. If the President asked me to come the White House and pose for a picture, I would accept the invitation. I would even grit my teeth and smile. It would be rude to do otherwise.

I also think that it would be unconscionable, rude and unpatriotic for the American People to put someone who agreed with even 90% of Bush's policies over the last eight years back in the Oval Office. Our Country is in desperate need of a true Leader, somebody who can restore respect, trust and confidence back to the Office of the President. We desperately need change. I don't think we can get that from a pseudo-maverick, frankly a leadership-gelding, like John McCain. It's our Patriotic Duty as Americans to VOTE. It's our job as citizens to put in place the kind of leaders we think we deserve. In a Democracy we get what we deserve. And I believe we deserve more than the erratic, knee-jerk (and rubber stamped) judgment of John McCain. I believe we deserve more than Bush-Lite. It is my Prayer that (this time) Americans can recognize Leadership when they see it. I believe that we are being offered the chance to vote for a True Leader. I HOPE for CHANGE. I'm voting for Obama.

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