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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Us versus THEM

I don't think it's a liberal notion to oppose Torture. Ask John McCain.
I think there is a vast difference between Liberal and Socialist. And there are many instances of creative socialism that work very well in our country (think of Church Pot-Luck Dinners and Public Libraries). Personally, I don't see what's wrong with the word "Liberal." But the word has been co-opted by some in the Right-Wing to mean something that it was never meant to mean. "Liberal" now means to many "THOSE people who need to be insulted, hated and feared for trying to CHANGE things!" Oh my! It's the politics of fear and division during a time when we are supposedly at war.
There is a classic political cartoon called "Join Or Die." We need to unite as a country and stand up for the CONSERVATIVE LIBERATING VALUES we share. We oppose tyranny and torture. We believe in justice and that NO justice can result from torture. We don't believe in cruel or unusual punishment and this should extend to our interrogation methods. We are in favor of free speech and the freedom to exchange ideas including a free press. We believe in the rule of law. And that there is a spirit to the law that goes beyond the letter of the law. We believe in Democracy and one-person/one vote. We believe that ALL people; regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation or viewpoint, nationality or any other LABEL we want to use to divide us; ALL people are created equal, with certain inalienable rights. Let's face it people, this CONSERVATIVE view (put forth by the founders of our country) was once considered RADICAL thinking.

1 comment:

surly hack said...

Rock on, Rusty.